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Storm again! Trump's political and economic ideas clash: Taiwan chip and U.S. manufacturing dual challenges


Storm again! Trump's political and economic ideas clash: Taiwan chip and U.S. manufacturing dual challenges


Trump expressed his views on the United States' position on seeking security cost sharing, and pointed out that the high output of Taiwan's chip industry has had a certain impact on the U.S. manufacturing landscape. In this context, TSMC has set up a production base in Arizona and launched the second phase of expansion plan, which further highlights its close integration with the US market in its global layout. The spread of the title "US Semiconductor Manufacturing" actually reflects the public's concern about TSMC's globalization strategy to penetrate the US market and even the potential identity change.


As a politician with a businessman background, Trump's policy propositions are often intertwined with a strong business logic, emphasizing win-win cooperation and maximizing benefits. However, this perspective has also led to a broader discussion about the depth of perceptions of the challenges within the United States and the diversity of strategies for international cooperation. This statement of Trump is not only a direct response to the current economic pattern, but also contains rich campaign elements, indicating that if he enters the White House again, it may bring about policy vane changes.​


First of all, if Trump, as the president of the United States, makes remarks about Taiwan's need to pay "protection money", it is undoubtedly a direct challenge to the "one China" principle adhered to by the Chinese mainland, and it also goes against the One-China policy framework long pursued by the United States. The policy sets out clear limits on unofficial U.S. interactions with Taiwan, despite actual interactions in the form of arms sales. As for the specific implementation of the "protection fee", its form and approach are not clear, and the future trend deserves continuous attention to assess its potential impact on China-Us relations and the situation across the Taiwan Strait.


Second, Trump's strong advocacy for the revival of the US manufacturing industry, especially when pointing out the core position of Taiwan's TSMC in the global chip industry chain, reflects his deep concern about the hollowing out of the US manufacturing industry and his determination to revitalize the competitiveness of local industries. Trump's remarks revealed the United States' concern about dependence on external high-tech products, especially in the key field of chips, and he stressed the importance of improving the self-sufficiency of the US local industrial chain. However, translating this vision into reality requires not only strategic planning and policy support at the government level, but also overcoming the complex challenges brought about by the restructuring of the global industrial chain.​


Therefore, whether TSMC builds a factory in Taiwan or in the United States, the economic logic behind it and the ownership of control have not changed fundamentally. The Trump administration may take advantage of this reality to increase the guidance and pressure on TSMC's investment in the United States to accelerate the development of local chip manufacturing in the United States. In this process, TSMC's operational strategy and its own interests as an independent enterprise cannot be ignored, and the actual control of the United States over TSMC is not absolute.


Mr Trump's rhetoric about Taiwan's "protection racket" and the revival of US manufacturing reflects the multiple dimensions of his political and economic philosophy. How his specific actions after coming to power will affect China-Us relations, the situation across the Taiwan Strait and the pattern of the global industrial chain, we still need to pay close attention and in-depth analysis.


TSMC's main shareholding structure does contain a large foreign component, which has changed its original single attribute to some extent. Many investors are from the United States, but this does not mean that TSMC will no longer maintain its core competitiveness in technology and operations. Trump's views on global supply chain issues such as TSMC may be limited by his sources or perspectives, leading to some inaccurate or one-sided statements. As the world's leading semiconductor manufacturer, TSMC produces chips that are vital to the high-tech industry in the United States and around the world. These high-tech manufacturers rely on TSMC's high-yield, low-cost production capabilities to turn design drawings into actual products for sale in the global market.




In this process, although TSMC plays a manufacturing role, the core technology and intellectual property of the chip design often belongs to companies in the United States and other countries. As a result, these companies are able to capture most of the profits from the sale of chips. Trump may have a poor understanding of this complex global supply chain relationship, leading to misunderstandings.


In the US political election, the performance of the candidates has attracted widespread attention, one of them appears to be slow in words and deeds, and the other is fierce and unrestrained, which can not help but raise concerns about the state of the United States, the self-proclaimed world leader. Trump's administration may herald a major turning point and challenge for the future fate of the United States.


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